

    25 de julho de 2019 por

    I decided to create this blog to clear Patreon’s page a bit (lots of banners in the middle that can become visual pollution: Intro, S1M01, S1M02, S1M03…) and to make everything more organized. I’m not religious, but I’m virginian. Wait. It’s astrology and not about religion. My bad. ANYWAY. Also for other reasons like: posting… Leia mais

  • Update (blog and DML S1MXX)

    3 de outubro de 2020 por

    All links are working perfectly at DML DL. I added DML S1M04 (0.5) and S1MXX (0.3, latest one). As many of you may already know, updates of the end of DML will be made here now and not on Patreon. Just Homless there. Thank you very much!

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